To see how we can help you, please contact Donal Reilly & Collins. You can call, email or write to us here.

Dorothy Ware

Dorothy Ware Solicitor

Dorothy Ware B.C.L.


Bachelor of Civil Law, University College

Cork, 1989

Admitted as a solicitor in Ireland in

Michaelmas Term 1992

Practice Areas

Dorothy is a partner in Donal Reilly & Collins and her experience exceeds 30 years of private practice. Dorothy joined Donal Reilly & Collins as a Solicitor in 1997 becoming partner in 1998. She advises clients on all aspects of Personal Injury actions, Employment Law, Family Law, Probate, Property transactions including the sale and purchase of new and second hand homes, commercial leases. She also advises on Commercial Litigation, Judgment Mortgages, Licensing and Professional Negligence matters




Practice areas

At Donal, Reilly & Collins we can offer legal advice on many aspects of the law. Please use the contact us section of our website and forward your query to us.

Our People

Donal Reilly & Collins have high calibre solicitors that have a very diverse knowledge of many areas of the law. We grew from a general practice to having extensive experience in several disparate fields.



We at Donal Reilly and Collins provide a stellar service at a very competitive price. When we quote a price this will not increase unless significant and unexpected extra work is required.