We at Donal Reilly and Collins provide a good service at a very competitive price. We understand that clients will want to know in advance how much they will have to pay. When we quote a price this will not increase unless significant and unexpected extra work is required and we will notify you in advance of any such change. This rarely happens and we stick to our original quote almost all of the time.
In cases where court proceedings are likely the difficulty for solicitors (and clients) is that in a lot of cases it can be very difficult for the solicitor to predict the outcome and so can only give an estimate. The Law Society has published a pamphlet which explains the basis on how solicitors charge which is very helpful. Please click here to view the guide.
How our fees are based:
As per the Law Society pamphlet linked above, we base our fees on the complexity of the work, time involved, level of expertise required and urgency of the work. An example of urgent work would be receiving instructions on a case where the time limit for bringing the case is about to expire or receiving instructions to bring an injunction on a Monday morning, on the morning of the previous Friday.
We can give you a very accurate estimate in advance and this is unlikely to change save for unforeseen difficulties (eg a very complicated title).
PERSONAL INJURY: If your case goes to court and you are successful then the other side generally pay almost all, if not all, of your costs. Sometimes there will be a shortfall in what you have spent in obtaining medical reports or on other outlay and what you can recover from the other side.
The Personal Injuries Assessment Board was set up in 2004 and since that time the Insurance company generally do not pay costs. Therefore if your case is settled within the Personal Injuries Assessment Board process and you engage us you will have to pay us when your case settles or you accept an award by the Board. We give as accurate an estimate as possible at the beginning of your case.
Solicitors are not allowed in contentious matters, such as personal injury, to take a percentage of an award that you are given.
LITIGATION/EMPLOYMENT LAW: These are the areas where it is difficult for us to advise clients in advance what the fees are likely to be due to the uncertainty of predicting how much work we will have to carry out.
We try to keep costs low in matters before the Workplace Relations Commission, as even if you are successful, the WRC does not award costs. Our fees begin at €1000 + VAT to act for you in those matters. Depending on the case, we may advise you to engage a barrister also and his or her fee will be a separate matter.
FAMILY LAW: As we encourage agreement between spouses we offer extremely competitive rates for an uncontested divorce.
For more complex matters we still offer very competitive rates.
Where agreement has been reached between you and your spouse we can draft your Separation Agreement for you.
PROBATE: Unlike many Solicitor Firms we do not charge scale costs which is a percentage of the value of an estate (e.g. estate is worth €2,000,000 fee of 1% is €20,000). We charge on the basis of the amount of work done and the complexity of the probate. Our fees generally fall between the range of €3,000 - €10,000 plus VAT regardless of the value of the estate.
For drafting wills our fee is €150 plus VAT. Complex wills may attract a higher fee which would be agreed with you in advance.
For Section 117 actions, please see the Litigation tab, link here.
Debt Collection: District Court, Sample Invoice for District Court Debt Collection.
Debt Collection: Circuit Court, Sample Invoice for Circuit Court Debt Collection.
Debt Collection: High Court, Sample Invoice for High Court Debt Collection.
COMPANY LAW: A Company is a vehicle which allows two individuals (acting as Directors) to carry on a business with limited liability. The Liability of the Directors of the Company is limited to the value of the issued share capital, usually €2. It is the principal way of doing business in the State.
COMMISSIONERS FOR OATHS: As we are practising solicitors we are able to swear Affidavits/Declarations. The fee is currently €10 per signature and €2 per exhibit.
DRAFTING POWER OF ATTORNEY: Our fee depends on how complex and detailed a power you require. We charge €80 + VAT for drafting a basic, general Power of Attorney.
CONSULTATION: Sometimes people are unsure of their rights in a situation or want advice on any action they are considering bringing. We charge €100 plus VAT for the initial consultation.
At Donal, Reilly & Collins we can offer legal advice on many aspects of the law. Please use the contact us section of our website and forward your query to us.
Donal Reilly & Collins have high calibre solicitors that have a very diverse knowledge of many areas of the law. We grew from a general practice to having extensive experience in several disparate fields.
We at Donal Reilly and Collins provide a stellar service at a very competitive price. When we quote a price this will not increase unless significant and unexpected extra work is required.