Judicial Review

Judicial Review is the process by which the High Court can review decisions made by administrative and public bodies. As a remedy it focuses on the procedural fairness or constitutionality of decisions rather than the correctness of the decision. By its nature, in involves also the area of law governing the administrative body whose decisions are reviewed.

Our firm has a history of experience in Judicial Review in the following areas.

Planning Law
Environmental Law
Education Law
Solicitors Acts
Regulatory/Disciplinary Law
Telecoms Law
Election and Referendum Law
Child Protection Law

Please use the contact us section of this website if you require any further information in relation to Judicial Review.

Judicial Review cases are initiated in the High Court, and often end up in the Commercial Court, and tend to progress faster than other types of cases, particularly in the Commercial Court.

There are very strict time limits in relation to bringing an application for Judicial Review. In many cases the remedy is refused because of delay by the applicant. If you wish to challenge a decision it is important not to delay in contacting your solicitor.

Practice areas

At Donal, Reilly & Collins we can offer legal advice on many aspects of the law. Please use the contact us section of our website and forward your query to us.

Our People

Donal Reilly & Collins have high calibre solicitors that have a very diverse knowledge of many areas of the law. We grew from a general practice to having extensive experience in several disparate fields.



We at Donal Reilly and Collins provide a stellar service at a very competitive price. When we quote a price this will not increase unless significant and unexpected extra work is required.